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Welcome to white hill

  • new technologies
  • Dedicated solutions
  • great cooperation

01 Dedykowane rozwiązania IT

Dostarczamy oprogramowanie we wszystkich technologiach: platformy e-commerce, aplikacje mobilne, systemy ERP, systemy czasu rzeczywistego, platformy e-learningowe i wiele innych...

02 Roboty i oprogramowanie urządzeń

Projektujemy, prototypujemy i produkujemy roboty i wszelkiego rodzaju urządzenia z niskopoziomowym oprogramowaniem jak system pomiaru czasu kartingów, systemy analizy obrazu, inteligentne domy i wiele innych...

03 CMS & e-commerce

Pracujemy w Wordpress, Joomla, PrestaShop, Magento, RedCart i wiele innych... Implementacja, modyfikacje, własne pluginy i moduły itp.


Dedicated solutions in many different industries.

Our Standards, Technology, Process

We focus on high quality products using the newest technologies and comply with the standards


Every time when there is a business need, next stage is a detailed analysis to clarify the requirements and to find the optimal solution.


We specialize in unique solutions, that is why the stage of prototyping is a necessary part of the process.



We do Scrum with JIRA. Responsive design. HTML, .NET, PHP, jQuery, Assembler and many different latest technologies.


Last stage of the process is monitoring and improving solution by analyzing collected data.


Keep in Touch

Make a contact with us and tell what need.

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